Sunday, July 14, 2019

Signs of unhealthy relationships - Being in a toxic relationship

We recently surveyed more than 100 YourTango Experts and discovered that 89 percent of them felt that half (or more!) of all people are in toxic relationships. 

So we asked them, "What are the most common, telltale signs of a toxic relationship?" What sort of toxic relationship symptoms should we be on the lookout for? Topping their list of responses was "You spend more time fighting than enjoying each other," with a whopping 82 percent of the vote.  ​
But that's not the only sign of a toxic relationship. Here are nine more warning phrases and relationship red flags to watch for.

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signs of unhealthy boundaries in relationships, signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships ,emotional abuse in unhealthy relationships, unhealthy relationship quotes,Being in a toxic relationship