Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Learn the Six Secrets of Chemical Romance | Relationship Tips for couples

What is Chemical Romance? It's a scientific approach to seduction that reveals how to unleash the natural chemicals in the body. Have you ever felt an instant connection with someone you just met? Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

If yes, then you have experienced the powerful effects of chemical romance. When you are in a heightened state of arousal your body releases powerful chemicals that produce a state of euphoria.

The three most potent chemicals produced are oxytocin, it makes you feel intense desire for the person you're with. Phenylethylamine, gives you a sense of total satisfaction and endorphins produces feelings of heightened pleasure.

Here are the six secrets to chemical romance--now is the time to unleash the sensuality of your lover.

Secret One: Use sensual scents--fill the room with the sweet smell of your lover's favorite fragrance. Appealing to your lover's sense of smell is a sure-fire way of stimulating the chemicals of romance.

Secret Two: Use erotic foods like chocolate that appeals to your lover's sense of taste. Chocolate has an ingredient that releases endorphins in the brain causing a sense of pure pleasure. Feeding your lover pieces of chocolate is a powerful way of getting those chemicals flowing.

Secret Three: Use seductive lighting, appeal to your lover's sense of sight. A romantic experience is greatly enhanced with the right lighting. A candlelit room or a room with the lights down-low conveys a warmth and softness that is perfect for romance.

Secret Four: Use romantic music, appeal to your lover's sense of hearing. Cuddle with soft music playing in the background. Playing your lover's favorite love song will greatly enhance the romantic mood.

Secret Five: Intimate conversation is vital to chemical romance. Stimulate your lover with mental imagery. Whisper words of love between sensual kisses. This is a powerful way to instantly set romantic feelings ablaze.

Secret Six: Use silk fabrics, appeal to your lover's sense of touch. Moments of passion are enhanced by the feel of silk sheets caressing your skin--the erotic sensations are almost orgasmic.

The six secrets to unleashing the chemicals of romance is a powerful approach that when used correctly, can ignite the flames of intense passion and desire in your lover.

If you want to know how to attract a man without touching him, please follow this link to discover the secret "Language of Desire". With this method, you can get your man focus on you 100% and become sexually and emotionally addicted to you.

James Hall is happily married and thoroughly enjoys writing about relationships. His site [] is a dating guide to finding lasting love on the web.

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Learn the Six Secrets of Chemical Romance | Relationship Tips for couples
Learn the Six Secrets of Chemical Romance | Relationship Tips for couples