The 10 Steps to a Perfect Mate
1. Visualize the perfect mate for yourself.
Get very specific. Be sure to include the values and principals that mean the most to you. Write it all down in a list. It's important that you don't forget anything because whatever you forget will show up in the next man who tries to date you. One extremely important element if you really want a relationship is to require that a man is ready, available, and willing to be in a relationship.
2. When you've completed your written list, choose a date by which you want to meet this person and then file the list away or post it on one of the dream realization Web sites, such as By doing these things, you have sent a message out to the universe and requested assistance from a higher power. [Be realistic about the month and date.
Asking for a man to show up next week is unrealistic if you want to apply this strategy.]
3. Forget about "the list" and go about your life, making sure to take care of yourself in an extraordinary manner.
4. Once a candidate has shown up, waiting until that man gets around to asking you out can take awhile, especially if you don't communicate your interests and intentions. Once you meet your dream man, you can directly ask him to be in a relationship with you. Contrary to all popular opinion, my suggestion is to be straight about what you want from a man. It's not meant to scare him away, just to declare your intentions. If the man gets scared and runs, he probably was not the one that you wanted and he didn't deserve to be in a relationship with you anyway.
5. If you see someone who might be attractive to you, flirting with a man also works if you are honest and open and ask for what you want. None of the above applies if you are just looking for a date or a playmate.
6. Test the man to see if he will produce for you. This means that you must express your appetite in some way. Ask him to do something for you or produce some results. There is a formula for asking for anything:
1.Acknowledge him sincerely for doing something right. [I am so glad that you are spending this time with me.]
2. In the same breath, ask directly and specifically for what it is that you want. [ I want you to take me to dinner next Thursday night at Casa Piace where we can have wine and antipasto and sit and talk.]
3. Appreciate the results that you get even if it doesn't look anything like what you requested. [ I love these hamburgers and I so appreciate the fact that you brought me here even though you had to work late. We can go to Casa Piace another time when your schedule is less restrictive. Thank you for going out of your way for me.]
7. If a man responds to you, he will try to please you. Because men think differently than women, don't be surprised that his efforts do not mirror your expectations.
8. Your ability to accurately ask for what you want will improve as you practice being straight.
9. If a man does not produce for you, dismiss him. He will not change. The trick to getting what you want from a man is to find a man who loves and cherishes you beyond his wildest dreams. Learn how to be direct and ask for what you want. The right man will do whatever it takes to please you and produce the results that you want.
10. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate the fact that you have a man who tries to please you.
Most of all while you are participating in your life in this way, have fun. This is not supposed to be serious or work. Finding love is a miracle and we all deserve to have miracles in our life.
If you want to know how to attract a man without touching him, please follow this link to discover the secret "Language of Desire". With this method, you can get your man focus on you 100% and become sexually and emotionally addicted to you.
Author:Susan Sheppard Getting What You Want Relationship Coach Author of the book “How to Get What You Want From Your Man Anytime”
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