Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What are Characteristics of a decent listener ? Listening skills

Listen to get more Sales

Not many individuals are great listeners. In your regular day to day existence what number of individuals would you be able to recollect who are great audience members, individuals who recalled your name or what you said. Truth be told you would have met two or three peoples lately you thought were nice listeners, What were your emotions towards these peoples. I am certain you have more Trust, Confidence and Faith in them. The vast majority of us think that its difficult to listen

Salesmen consider themselves being great talkers rather than Listeners. You hear individuals saying, 'He is a conceived Salesman'. He has the endowment of talk. Kerry Johnson in his book 'Acing the Game' says numerous individuals accept that discourse is control and that listening is subservient. He accepts a decent listener has significantly more power in a Conversation. The listener can get more data than the talker. At the point when two individuals are talking, the individual who commands the discussion is the individual who is posing the inquiries and listening. The activity of the sales rep is to tune in to his clients. Best salesmen will concur.

Characteristics of a decent listener

1. Rehash and Clarify Information

2. Discuss Information.

3. Tune in to Emotions.

4. Continuously be Alert and Attentive.

5. Never divert the Customer while talking.

Listening is a fundamental aptitude for making and keeping connections. When you are a decent audience individuals trust in you and trust you. Tuning in with Openness is significant. At the point when you are up close and personal with the Customer you need to do the accompanying

1.Maintain great eye to eye connection.


3.Clarify by asking some questions.


5.Keep away from interruption.

6.Be Committed.